A list of publications using the SIPER database is shown below.
- Bin, A.; de Andrade, R.M.; Vasconcellos Pinheiro, L. & Monteiro Salles-Filho, S.L. (2018): Preliminary remarks about science, technology and innovation policy in Latin America. https://repository.fteval.at/id/eprint/403/1/Journal_47_10.22163_fteval.2019.406.pdf.
- Borrás, S. & Laatsit, M. (2019): Towards Systems Oriented Policy Evaluation? Evidence from EU 28 Member States, Research Policy 48, pp. 312-321.
- Bührer, S.; Feidenheimer, A.; Walz, R.; Lindner, R.; Beckert, B. & Wallwaey, E. (2022): Concepts and methods to measure societal impacts - an overview, Fraunhofer ISI Discussion Papers - Innovation Systems and Policy Analysis No. 74. https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/262140/1/1811474128.pdf.
- Bührer, S.; Wallwaey, E.; Seus, S. & Edler, J. (2021): SIPER Database: The Increasing Role of Studies on Social and Environmental Impacts, RISIS Policy Brief # 8 (Version 1), https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5205596.
- Carrillo, E.; Grigerio, C.; Valenzuela, J.M.; Aquaro, A.; Mauduit, J.-C., Steenmans, I. & Paz Sandoval, M. (2022): The Performance Gap of Policy Information Systems: A Knowledge Infrastructure Assessment Framework. Journal of Science Policy & Governance 22/1. DOI: 10.38126/JSPG220105.
- Cuciureanu, G.; Cojocaru, I.; Minciunǎ, V. & Țurcan, N. (2023): Strategia cercetǎrii ştinţifice:
evidenţe din republica moldova. https://idsi.md/files/file/Strategia_cercetarii_stiintifice_Cuciureanu_Cojocaru_Minciuna_Turcan_2023.pdf.
- Cunningham, P.; Edler, J.; Flanagan, K. & Larédo, P. (2016):
The Innovation Policy Mix; in: Edler, J.; Cunningham, P.; Gök, A. &
Shapira, P. (eds.): Handbook of Innovation Policy Impact. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Cunningham, P. & Gök, A. (2016): The Impact of
Innovation Policy Schemes for Collaboration, in: Edler, J.; Cunningham, P.; Gök, A. &
Shapira, P. (eds.): Handbook of Innovation Policy Impact. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Cunningham, P.; Gök, A. & Larédo, P. (2016): The Impact
of Direct Support to R&D and Innovation in Firms, in: Edler, J.; Cunningham, P.; Gök, A. &
Shapira, P. (eds.): Handbook of Innovation Policy Impact. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Cunningham, P. & Ramlogan, R. (2016): Innovation
Networks, in: Edler, J.; Cunningham, P.; Gök, A. &
Shapira, P. (eds.): Handbook of Innovation Policy Impact. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- De Holanda Schmidt, F.; Bin, A.; Besconcello Pinheiro, L. & De Negri, F. (2022): O uso
das evidências nas politicas brasyileiras de ciência, tecnologia e inovação.
In: Políticas públicas e usos de evidências no brasil: Conceitos, métodos,
contextos e práticas. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.38116/
- Edler, J. (2016): The Impact of Policy Measures to Stimulate Private Demand for Innovation, in: Edler, J.; Cunningham, P.; Gök, A. &
Shapira, P. (eds.): Handbook of Innovation Policy Impact. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Edler, J.; Cunningham, P.; Gök, A. & Shapira, P. (eds.) (2016): Handbook of Innovation Policy Impact. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Edler, J.; Gök, A.; Cunningham, P. & Shapira, P. (2016a):
Introduction: Making Sense of Innovation Policy, in: Edler, J.; Cunningham, P.; Gök, A. &
Shapira, P. (eds.): Handbook of Innovation Policy Impact. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Edler, J.; Gök, A.; Cunningham, P. & Shapira, P. (2016b):
Conclusions: Evidence on the Effectiveness of Innovation Policy Intervention; in: Edler, J.; Cunningham, P.; Gök, A. &
Shapira, P. (eds.): Handbook of Innovation Policy Impact. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Gök, A.; Li, Y.; Cunningham, P.; Edler, J. & Larédo, P.
(2016): Towards a Taxonomy of Science and Innovation Policy
Instruments. Paper presented at 2016 Annual Conference of the Eu-SPRI
Forum, Lund (Sweden).
- Hristov, H.; Slavchena,M.; Jonkers, K. & Szkuta, K. (2016): Intersectoral Mobility of Knowledge Transfer. Preliminary Evidence of the Impact of Intersectoral Mobility Policy Instruments, JRC Science for Policy Report.
- Jappe, A. (2019): Professional Standards in Blibliometric Research? A Meta-Evaluation of European Asessment Practice 2005-2019, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0231735.
- Kubera, P. (2017): Conceptual Framework for the Evaluation of Economic Impacts of RDI Instruments - Research Paper, Journal Association 1901 SEPIKE, pp. 90-96.
- Kubera, P. (2019): Evaluation of Public Interventions in a Complex Environment: Developing Generalizable Knowledge from Case Studies. Journal of Positive Management Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 42-55, https://doi.org/10.12775/JPM.2019.003.
- Laatsit, M. (2019): Policy Learning in Innovation Policy: A Comparative Analysis of European Union Member States, PhD Series No. 2/2019, https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/209096/1/cbs-phd2019-02.pdf.
- Monguzzi, A. & Kasatkina, K. (2021): The Social Impact of Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies: Towards a Meta-Analytical Investigation, https://www.politesi.polimi.it/handle/10589/182295.
- Nunes Peclat, R. & Tortato Rauene, A. (2019): Práticas avaliativas em politicas de CT&I: Análise Comparativa do Caso Nacional, https://repositorio.enap.gov.br/handle/1/3916.
- Stampfer, M. & Strassnig, M. (2020): Evaluierung neu denken. Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse internationaler Beispiele. https://repository.fteval.at/id/eprint/585/1/Evaluierung%20neu%20denken%20_1105_internationale%20Beispiele.pdf